Friday, February 15, 2008

"Well-in-time" Day

The brouhaha surrounding this occasion is unbelievable. One half of the city has gone berserk in outdoing its better half at buying expensive presents, one fourth is in the doldrums bemoaning their single status, one fourth is up in arms against the "westernization" of our Indian culture and the remaining one fourth are the florists who are on their way to deposit doubloons in their swiss bank accounts, pointing fingers and laughing at the miserable lot who they ripped off on this dreaded day.

Boy and I spoke about this a few weeks and then again a couple of days before the 14th. We mutually agreed on not to celebrate it, not to buy anything for each other and generally treat it like any other day. We both walked back home relieved and being able to afford a decent meal at the end of the month. When the "V day" arrived, I weakened. I did not want to succumb to the insane pressure building up around me, but I did want to buy Boy something just to show how much I appreciate him being around and spoiling me rotten. So I managed to surprise him with a very nice present. Except that I gave it to him in the car and he had just unwrapped it when his phone rang. I have long accepted the fact that his work takes precedence over everything else, including me and for my own respect, I shouldn't even try and compete.

So there I was holding his semi wrapped/ semi unwrapped present and he is on the phone and after a 4 minute long conversation, he turns to me and proceeds to tell me, in great detail, the intricacy of the problem faced by the caller- his client. And I was just sitting there with my jaw all but hitting the floor, aghast at the way Boy was reacting. I dont expect him to do a jig on being given a present but an acknowledgment was the very least I expected.

So Boy went on and on and suddenly, probably on seeing the tears well up in my eyes or the dumbfounded gaping mouth of mine, he snapped back to the present (present/ present..ha ha funny na? thank you) He fell over himself apologizing. But the damage was done. The day was ruined, I had started bawling (I know, sorry, its a very chicky thing to do but sometimes when I get REALLY angry and cant do a thing about it, the helplessness of the entire situation makes me cry) We did go on to have an excellent dinner and I did genuinely have a great time but at some level I am still a lil upset. Well more worried than upset. But right then in that car, I swear I could've killed him.

In other news, on a local radio station on V Day, a guy was offered a chance for a weekend getaway to holiday destination. When quizzed as to who he would like to go with, he named X. Immediately his wife spoke up at the other end of the phone line, live on air and what followed was truly hilarious since X was his Secretary and his wife was Z. May his soul rest in peace, though I have a sneaking suspicion its resting in pieces)

hope your valentine celebrations were better.


Mundanely (a)mused said...

Awww you poor thing! haha, I was picturing the situation while reading it. I must admit I couldn't really believe that girl to be you :)

happy valentines day girl :) For the record- Mine was spent in the confines of my home eating some yummy food my mum made :)

P.S- Loved the title btw! lol!

She said...

Thankoo. I couldn't believe that girl was me either, I am surprised how Boy got away alive!!!! The real me would've made sure he run him over with his car.

BTW, your celebrations sound way better, esp. when you're eating home cooked food after ages.

Happy Valentine's Day girlie!

Abhi said...

I listened to that radio thing driving to office , and it was the best thing to happen to me that day . Guess I should not feel good about that guy , but then he deserves it . I wonder what he did with that RJ though .

She said...

@ abhi: I am hoping he sued the damned RJ. Did i mention I'm a lawyer??? muuhhahahahaha!!!

S said...

There was also a bizarre radio show where two people who never had met were asked arbit questions about each other. If they got it right they got to go to the Taj together.
Like wha?

She said...

@Anansi: seriously????? Wow!!! I can just picture 2 gawky awkward strangers wondering what the hell to talk about. Am guessing the guy got the couch!