Saturday, September 1, 2007

Randomly speaking!!

I dont have a clue about this post and where its going, but here I am putting finger to keyboard!!! Yes, honestly, one finger at a time. No I am not 40...yet!!

Anyway, so the past few weeks have been the usual drudgery, work, home, work, home, work, movie, work, pub, work, gym, work and so on and so forth. So where in this mundane routine would I find inspiration for a post?? Everywhere!! Lets call this the "have you ever noticed" series!

work first!!

1. Have you ever noticed how a file always lands up on your desk the minute you have shut down your computer and made plans for dinner?

2. Have you ever noticed how by the time you reach the lunch table, someone is reaching out for that last slice of pepperoni pizza and all thats left is some veggie stuff? (no offence to my vegetarian readers, but you gotta respect the sacrifice that poor lil piggy made dude)

3. Have you ever noticed how your boss ALWAYS manages to walk into your room when you are cracking up on the latest piece of gossip?

4. Still in the scenario of the previous question, have you ever noticed how your attempts at maintaining a straight face and acting all official fall flat in their face?

5. Have you ever noticed how your senior manages to detect you playing solitaire coz your glasses reflect the damned green screen? (seriously, the techie guys out there, you have to do something about that guys)

ok...change of scene...on the road!!

1. Ever noticed how the car on the extreme left will inevitably want to turn right..right in front of you?

2. Ever noticed how every time you drive through a green, it turns orange just as you are whizzing past it and a cop decides to get you to pull over?

3. Ever noticed how the car immediately behind you will ALWAYS honk the instant the lights turn green, even if you are the 44th car from the signal?? I believe that this is the smallest unit of measuring time: a taxisecond. defined as the amount of time it takes between the light in front of you turning green and the guy behind you honking!! confounded twits!!!!!!

lets try the pub now!!

1. Ever noticed how when you are yelling to make yourself heard over the music, the DJ decides to change the track and there is a split second silence when nothing else can be heard, but you making a complete fool of yourself?

2. Ever noticed how the cute looking guy who just walked in and has made eye contact with you is always joined in by his girlfriend who had (smartly so) decided to pee before getting drunk!!

I think that's enough noticing for a bit!! Feel free to add your two bits on this series, who knows, we might take it forward to a PartII

1 comment:

Utopia said...

hahahah! you at our sarcastic best hahaha! life and its little ironies heheh!