Monday, July 23, 2007

Spare a thought!!

I suffer from this incurable disease..its called equality!! Now i know that in today's day and age its an archaic concept and therefore i dont belong...but my version of equality is not in line with the 3 great pillars of the French Revolution nor do i share the vision of our founding fathers who established equality as the spirit of the Indian idea of equality is very localized. it starts and ends with people, things and stuff that are in direct contact with me. Pluto, as you shall read on and learn, is an exception.

My hassle starts early in the day the minute i open my eyes. if i put my left leg on the floor first then the feelings of my right leg shall be kept intact by ensuring that it enters my bathroom first. If i put on my right sleeve first then the left leg of the trousers must be worn first. If the left socks is worn first, then the right shoe goes in before the left one..and so on and so get the point right?? you will ofcourse appreciate the amount of toll all of this takes on my mental if the next time you see me and i am semi bald, please dont get shocked.

well, this entire business of equality doesn't end with just this...when i eat, its usually in the company of a calculator, hold the sighs and i shall explain how and why. My meal of 2 veggies, a dal and some roti involves calculations that only Chacha Chaudhry is capable of. each side of my mouth will have the same number of bites of each vegetable in a particular order. and if, in the unlikely event, coz i plan it so, the number of bites is an odd number, then either its chewed completely in the centre of the mouth or is split into two. in light of this concept of equality, i have also perfected the art of looking and sounding extremely interested in what the person acorss me is saying while all the time calculating in my head as to where the next bite of paneer should go and when the left side of my mouth will be able to eat the rajma its been eyeing for 5 bites.

ofcourse this concept of equality is inculcated in every single moment of my existence..which also explains why i cannot bear to see the last sip or the last morsel of soemthing being left out of sheer politeness. noone seems to spare a thought to its feelings. you dont think that the last piece of chicken wings that you left on the plate will be feeling left out? you dont think it privately go and shed tears at the thought of being seperated from all its friends???? how insensitive can you be??? shame on you!!

but whaty got my goat (i know it s a lil belated, but i've been meaning to write about this for a bit now) is what we all did to Poor Lil Pluto. He was told (I am safely assuming its a male) (poetic license please) that he was the coolest one...small, compact, enjoyed his journey round the sun so took the maximum amount of time to do it...he was the dude, uber cool!! He was the one who left the ladies all pins and needles (remember My Very Eager Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Pins??) suddenly, one day, as he was merrily chugging along around the sun, taking in the view, feeling the wind through his surface, completely oblivious to the life changing stuff that was going around him, he was suddenly told that he was no longer a planet!! GASP!!!! Couldn't we have broken this news to him a lil gently??? is this the way to tell someone that they've been demoted...stripped of their personality, their being and rendered useless, just one of the teeming billions??? did we for a second stop to think of what Poor Lil Pluto must've felt like???

I tell you, its an insensitive world that we live in...


Mundanely (a)mused said...

haha, hilarious :D Sigh, I too have these maternal-like feeling towards lil Pluto, ergo echo the sentiments. But the equality issue-To start off with I thought you were heading towards the bane called superstitions, and then realised the issue is way more grave. Amen! lol!

She said...

Thanks slaintesurvivors. Glad you liked it. If I were poor lil Pluto, i would have churned up a storm and sulked for days at an end in one corner of the solar system. poor thing!!

Utopia said...

its hilarious heheh! damn u actually think like some maniac trying to equalize every single aspect of ur life, be it food. i think u need to go to a therapist woman hehehe! dufus! ;)