Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Dilemma

I am currently surrounded by single women. No, this is not some guy's fantasy coming true. It's just the bare (pun unintended) truth. I am currently a single/ not so single/ confused person, but 97.35% of all my female friends, are surprise surprise...SINGLE! 

Now one would wonder what so many smart, funny, mostly attractive, well educated women are doing at this age in their lives when they should be married or at least on the anvil. Well, honestly, I wonder too. But then that's about all that we do. 

Being in our late 20's in north India doesn't do too much to bolster our single status. Its not like we're feminists who have sworn off marriage completely, but lets face it, we aren't married, we dont see ourselves married in the near future and frankly, I think we're scared out of our wits about the entire institution. 

Most of our discussions centre around the acute dearth of nice men in the world. Seriously, is it too much to ask for a genuine, nice guy? Nothing out of the ordinary, no Brad Pitt, no millionaire, no prose spouting intellectual freak, just a nice guy, with a pleasant disposition, basic manners, family, a decent education, presentable looks, warm, caring and hard working guy. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently it is. 

Our other issue being the decision about marriage. We dont have a problem with the institution. We dont advocate living in. But how in heavens name do you take the most important decision in your life? Seriously, all you married ones out there, do me a favour, drop me a line and let me know how you know for sure. Do you believe in soulmates? Are you convinced of The One for each one of us? How will we know if he is The One?

And if you give me crap like "gut feeling", "bells tinkling" "cows blinking", I'll hunt you down and shoot you. 


Akshaya Kamalnath said...

Ya ya nice guys are extinct...so either compromise and marry a conked guy or stay single and happy:)

SMM said...

Woohoooo I'm doing an Indian war whoopie...found my nice guy :)

Okay you can come kick my ass :P

She said...

@akshaya: I am still coming to terms with the permanent single status looming large.

@SMM: I am very happy for you, but insanely jealous too. Yes, I will kick your ass at the first given chance.

SMM said...

She, if I maybe allowed to give some gyan. Enjoy your single days and days of getting pampered at home for as long as you can and don't fret about he guys. He'l come along when your least expecting it, like it happened to me , and when it hit it hit me "WHAM" on the face.

S said...

I agree with smm. Single's good... Enjoy it while it last.. Things will happen when they have to. Marriage is hardly a social obligation innit?
Also, single doesn't necessarily mean alone, right? I think being alone actually throws more people off than single.

Unknown said...

I think more than there being 'nice' guys or not, its the lack of being able to accept people that's brought in all this loneliness.

Strange that with all our modern education and 'open-mindedness' we're lonelier, more uphappy, and so unfulfilled than people just a few generations ago.

Just a thought. But I know your dilemma exactly - an have recently found a path that's giving me answers.

She said...

@Afrin: Really? You've found answers? Please clue me in. Seriously. Maybe you could patent this path of yours?