I bumped into her a few days ago. She recognized me instantly. Well I recognized her too, despite the fact that she had changed a helluva lot. Ignoring the obvious weight gain, she still had changed. We exchanged our polite hellos, tried to act very nicely and discussed the most inane things under the sun, including the weather if you may please. That was when P started talking. Two words from that wretched mouth were enough to make us realize how much we hated his guts. I for one had almost forgotten my immense dislike for him, which came rushing back instantly, leaving a bile like taste in my mouth. I recoiled in disgust. I saw her visibly shudder too. We both noticed the other's reaction and laughed. A common enemy was a greater bond than a common friend. That's all that was needed and the floodgates opened. Old stories, incidents, where life had now taken us, personal notes, everything was exchanged. from the breakfast meeting, to lunch, to dinner, to the drive back, we were inseparable.
However, Boy had found no mention in this entire conversation. I assumed she knew, she assumed i did not. She was wrong. The truth was that she knew what she needed to and I knew what I had to. Both uncomfortable in each other's knowledge but secure in the fact that it was all pointless; the knowledge and the ignorance.
When I met Boy, I told him of my meeting with her. He seemed ok with the idea. I conveyed my appreciation of her thoughtful ways and asked if he'd be ok with me being in regular touch with her. I was met with silence. I knew both persons were still rather bitter. I did what I could. I ordered for dessert.